AMU News: Aligarh Muslim University faculty gets Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathology.

AMU News: Aligarh Muslim University faculty gets Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathology


September 26, 2023


Dr Jowairiah Hassan, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University has been honoured with the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathology (FRCPath), London. 

She received the honour at the felicitation ceremony held on September 6, 2023 at the Royal College of Pathologists, London.
Dr Hassan is among the 60 fellows who were conferred upon the degree across different specializations. She was awarded this Degree in Histopathology.

The fellowship is awarded after a rigorous assessment and examination, and it is recognized as an indicator of fitness to practice as per the latest guidelines across the world independently.

Source: Public Relations Office
              Aligarh Muslim University

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